Projectpartner for Germany: 

16 Organisationen aus 15 EU-Ländern + 1 in jedem Projektjahr

Kick-Off Ende November 2024 im Tanzquartier/Museumsquartier Wien. (Foto: Ingo Schrader)


Currently, over 85 million EU citizens are affected by mental health problems and their health effects such as depression, loneliness and burn-out. The EU project Culture And Health Platform addresses these challenges and brings the already scientifically proven effects of artistic and cultural interventions into the field in order to strengthen mental health and thus skills such as resilience and participation, and also to prevent illness.

The CAH Platform identifies these socio-political gaps in Europe and addresses them:

- limited integration of culture into health and social policy

- lack of professional support and networks for artists working in interprofessional settings

- sustainable funding and fair working conditions for cultural professionals

The transnational platform focuses on promoting and strengthening European artists who already work at the interface of culture, health, care, education and social affairs and want to deepen and professionalize this work. Project duration: 11/2024-10/2028.

The CAH Platform offers:

Grants + mobility funding:

Financial support for more than 170 artists to realize projects and participate in international residencies.

Capacity building and training:

Over 1,500 live and 800 online training sessions and peer learning workshops.

- Visibility + Networking: Four international conferences in Finland, Austria, Romania and Belgium to showcase innovative practices in linking culture and health and to network stakeholders.

Digital resources: 

An online database of artists to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Project partnership for Germany

The official project partner for Germany is humaQ gGmbH, the project is managed by the Healing Culture Network e. V. (HCN), both organizations are already actively working together - for example on the board of the HCN.

Project management and contact person: Insa Schrader,


> Termine folgen an dieser Stelle in Kürze - stay tunded!

Healing Culture NETWORK - Initiatoring Insa Schrader

4 Jahre, 16 Organisationen aus 15 Ländern der EU bauen eine CULTURE AND HEALTH PLATFORM - zusammen mit unserem Partner humaQ sind wir für Deutschland dabei!

Insa Schrader

Initiatorin und Vorstandsvorsitzende, Healing Culture Network e. V.

Healing Culture Network e. V.

> Als Healing Culture Network verstehen wir uns als Plattform und bündeln Menschen und Projekte und ihre Expertise in Forschung und Praxis.

> Das Healing Culture Network schafft Sichtbarkeit und schafft Sensibilisierung für die Potentiale - in Fachkreisen wie in der Zivilgesellschaft.

> Wir bringen gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz durch Professionalisierung im Bereich Healing Culture!

> Als interdisziplinäres wachsendes Team von Engagierten aus Kultur, Gesundheit, Politik und Gesellschaft machen wir uns stark für die Potentiale und Projekte im Kontext von Healing Culture!

Interesse geweckt? Lust auf Mitwirkung? Wir freuen uns auf Euch!



Vertreten durch:

Healing Culture Network e. V.

c/o Insa Schrader | healing culture concepts
Schmargendorfer Str. 24a
D - 12159 Berlin